The world’s no. 1 Bio-energetic screening system
What is Bioresonance
At Toxic Free Living, we use the Asyra Pro, the most advanced, flexible and non-invasive bio-energetic screening system to deliver a snapshot of your energetic health status and how to improve it in moments. It tests your response against a wide variety of test signatures that include the meridian points relating to internal organs, environmental toxicants, microbiome, nutritional factors, hormones, emotional patterns and many more. It is non-invasive, pain-free and drug-free therapy.
How it Works

1. Method
You hold the probes or your hair or nail sample is put on the probes and in a matter of seconds the advanced testing machine painlessly tests the body with known signatures of 1000s of nutritional factors, pathogens as parasites, fungi, bacteria, cell salts, homeopathic remedies, herbs and more. Anything out of balance will be picked up on, the database is searched to find what it needs to restore balance.
2. Evaluate
The machine then reports back on your health status, in order of priority. You will be given a full report and if required, you may be given a personal Asyra Remedy (small postage fee applies). The suggested quantity and duration of the energetic remedy will determined by the report and will help to adjust the imbalances.
3. Goals
The ultimate goal is to show people the impact their nutritional and lifestyle choices have on their health. Lifestyle choices include balancing stress levels, getting enough sleep and appropriate exercise. This insight will empower each person to take control and live life overflowing with good health.
What We Can Test
The Asyra Pro runs a response test on the meridian points connected to the major organ systems which is called the baseline, and a comprehensive assessment from a database of tens of thousands of items to see what will help restore balance.
Fast, accurate, non-invasive assessments to restore balance. Just send us a hair or nail sample and we can get started. Hair is ideal to use because it stores information for up to 3 months and is not affected by hair dye or any recent food you may have eaten.
The test libraries include:
- Energetic Status of 40 major organs
- Nutritional Assessment
- Metabolic Disturbance
- Dental Profile
- Hormonal Profile
- Toxicity
- Phenolic Sensitivity
- Emotional Stressors
- Trace Minerals
- Vertebral Profile
- Miasm Influence
- TMJ Stress
- Constitutional Influence
- Neurotransmitter Disturbance
- Environmental Sensitivity
- Food Sensitivity
- Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids
- Cranial Suture
- Dental Causation
- Herbs
- Heavy Metals
and much more!

Comprehensive Health Analysis
The Comprehensive Health Analysis is truly that – COMPREHENSIVE! It will indicate the energetic state of 40 major organs, food sensitivities, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, environmental sensitivities, nutritional needs, hormonal balance, emotional stressors and so much more.

Food Sensitivity and Nutrient Deficiency Profile
A food intolerance is difficulty digesting certain foods and having an unpleasant physical reaction to them. Typical culprits may be wheat, dairy, soy and yeast. Often a sensitivity may occur if you body lacks a particular enzyme to digest nutrients.

Digestive Profile and Nutrient Deficiency Profile
Remote Testing
The ASYRA is especially constructed to work not just in person, but by Remote Testing. This involves sending a very small hair/ nail/or fur sample through the post to us. You send the sample together with a detailed consultation form that we send you in advance along with instructions This is all taken into account when running the test and issuing the results. On receipt of the information, the test is then usually run within 3 – 10 days, and the results are sent to you via email.
4 easy steps to quick results
Step 1
Choose the test that suits your needs and send us an email to place you order.
Step 2
You will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to cut your hair sample. If your hair is shorter than an inch, you can send in nail clippings – they work just as well!
Step 3
Place your sample into a small sealable bag (freezer bag is perfect!), fill in the form that was included in the confirmation email and pop it in the post making sure you have used sufficient postage.
Step 4
Sit back and wait for your results to arrive. You should receive your full report by email after 7 days of receiving your sample.